Draft Statement of Community Involvement First Review

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Please note we are in the process of transferring to a new consultation portal system and the consultation responses on this consultation may be temporarily unavailable to view whilst we make this transition.

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is one of the key documents in the Ashford Local Development Framework (LDF). The SCI sets out how the Council intends to achieve continuous community involvement in the preparation of Local Development Documents and its aim is to ensure that all sections of the public and community, including local groups and organisations are actively represented and involved throughout the process of document preparation and on planning applications. The Council's original SCI was adopted in August 2006 and this is the first review.

The draft SCI review 2009 is available for public consultation from Monday 14th September 2009 until Monday 26th October 2009 at 5pm. This consultation period provides you with the opportunity to let the Council know your opinion on any aspect of the document, or on a point or matter that you feel may have been omitted.

The consultation is now closed.

Please note we are in the process of transferring to a new consultation portal system and the consultation responses on this consultation may be temporarily unavailable to view whilst we make this transition.

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is one of the key documents in the Ashford Local Development Framework (LDF). The SCI sets out how the Council intends to achieve continuous community involvement in the preparation of Local Development Documents and its aim is to ensure that all sections of the public and community, including local groups and organisations are actively represented and involved throughout the process of document preparation and on planning applications. The Council's original SCI was adopted in August 2006 and this is the first review.

The draft SCI review 2009 is available for public consultation from Monday 14th September 2009 until Monday 26th October 2009 at 5pm. This consultation period provides you with the opportunity to let the Council know your opinion on any aspect of the document, or on a point or matter that you feel may have been omitted.

The consultation is now closed.